
Name : Shree Ladwa Gaushala, Ladwa, Hisar.
Jurisdiction : The Society will work in Haryana State.
Membership :

Management Committee: The affairs of the Shree Ladwa Gaushala shall be managed by a Managing Committee consisting of at least Seven office-bearers as mentioned below:-

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • General Secretary
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Two Members

The office-bearers and members of the Managing Committee shall hold office for two years. The elections for the above said committee will be held in the month of April or maximum upto 30th of June, of that year. The President of the last Managing Committee will be as Returning Officer for such elections.

MEETING :  The Managing Committee shall meet twice a month. The quorum for meetings shall be of 5 members.



  • He shall preside over the meetings of the General Body/Managing Committee and exercise general supervision over the activities of the Association.
  • He shall excercise general supervision over the activities of the Association.
  • He shall make arrangements to follow-up the decisions taken in the meetings.
  • He shall look after the activities and their implementation by the Association.
  • He shall excercise general supervision over the activities, accounts, expenses etc. of the Association.


  • In the absence of the President, he shall assume the duties and powers of the President


  • He shall be responsible to run the office of the society smoothly,
  • be responsible for making correspondence with Govt. Offices/Organization or other  Rural Development Agencies.
  • issue notice of the meetings of the Managing Committee as well as General Body.
  • Prepare the Agenda Items for the meeting,
  • record the minutes of the meetings,
  • submit a report on the working of Association for the preceding year at the Annual  General meeting and execute contracts on behalf of the Association,
  • help in maintaining the Accounts of society in Banks and Post-offices.


  • In the absence of the General Secretary, he shall assume the duties and powers of the General Secretary. Further, he shall carry out such duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the General Secretary.


  • He shall be responsible for making all collections and receive cash and give receipts thereof on behalf of the Association.
  • be responsible for the proper maintenance of Association Accounts,
  • keep regular accounts of money received and disbursed and be responsible for the  proper maintenance of the accounts book and other Registers of the Association and  put it up for information of the Managing Committee meeting.
  • prepare proposed budget of the committee.
  • have authority to incur expenditure of Rs. 5000/- on goods of the committee


  • To elect the Managing Committee, including office-bearers and members latest by the end of April in every block of two years;
  • A member can cast only one vote.
  • may excempt a person to pay fee(CHANDA) for membership.


  • The meeting of General Body shall be twice a year. All the members will be intimated in this regard. In case of urgency, a notice of at least 10 days shall be given in writing  for convening an ordinary meeting of the General Body.
  • For normal issues of the meeting, decision will be taken on general mendate.
  • for the amendment of Constitution of the Society, the quorum for the General Body  meeting shall be 3/4th of the total number of members on roll.


  • Every person admitted as member shall have to pay an admission fee of Rs. 200/- once at the time of membership.
  • Each member has to pay Rs. 10/- per month as Subscription Fee (CHANDA). For Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Lower Income Group and Retired Army person,  there will be Rs. 100/- as Admission Fee and Rs. 5/- month as Subscription Fee.
  • The official year shall be the financial year i.e., from 1st April to 31st March.
  • WITHDRAWALS FROM THE BANKs etc. shall be performed by the Joint signatures of   the General Secretary and President.
  • The Society shall take Grants-in-aid from the National/International Govt. Funding  Agencies, Gram Panchyat Samiti as well as donations or materials from persons.
  • If upon the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all  the debts and liabilities and any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to  or distributed among the members of the society but shall be given to some other  Association/Body/Authority with similar objectives registered under the same act.
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